Long time ABBA fan publishes book on ABBA fandom
Dutch ABBA fan Robert Verbeek has a book about his ABBA fandom released this April.
It’s a personal book about Robert’s ABBA fandom, but Robert says that "if you read it, it will remind you of the effect that ABBA has on YOU."
"Some subjects covered in the book are: why are ABBA so good, collecting ABBA items, creating websites, visiting fan club conventions, releasing bootleg albums, meeting ABBA, working for ABBA, editorials and much, much more. "
Robert is one of the very best ABBA fans out there, as I’m sure many of you know and I’d heartily recommend you check out the book when it comes along.
The book ABBA & Me will be available in English and in Dutch (title: ABBA & Ik). It’s a 15.6 cm x 23.4 cm paperback of 190 pages with a glossy full colour cover and lots of photographs in black and white.
The book will be published in April 2008 and will be available through Robert’s website ABBA Plaza where he has set up a special area with details about his book.
The proposed price is €18 (excl. shipping and handling).