Subscribing by RSS

Websites provide RSS (really Simple Syndication) feeds so you can subscribe to their content and receive updates automatically.

To view RSS feeds you will need an RSS aggregator, more commonly referred to as a ‘reader’. The reader checks the feeds you are subscribed to and displays any new content. This means you don’t have to check individual websites for updates – the reader does it for you automatically!

There are hundreds of RSS readers available on the Internet, and most are free to download and use. Generally, there are three types of RSS reader.

The two most popular ways of subscribing are via either:

Modern browsers, like Internet Explorer 7, Firefox and Safari which allow you to subscribe to RSS feeds.

If the Feed button  in Internet Explorer 7 lights up, it means that the site offers RSS feeds. Click the icon to see the feed and, if you want, subscribe to have the feed automatically sent to your computer. When you click the subscribe button , the feed is automatically added to the Favorites Center and to the Common Feed List for sharing with other programs.

Or you can use Desktop RSS readers, which are fast and simple to use. You install them onto your computer like any other program. Free readers include SharpReader, FeedReader, and RSSReader.

There are a number of guides to RSS made simple, including one that explains RSS as being ‘Ready for Some Stories’, which is as good a simple explantion as I’ve heard.

Hopefully, if you wish to subscribe to the RSS feed on icethesite and many other sites and haven’t yet done so, these sites will help:

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