Kristina in concert – Quick links and memories

Memories of Kristina in Concert at Carnegie Hall

Memories of Kristina in Concert at Carnegie Hall on September 23 and 24


Please note that most of the YouTube videos have now been removed under a copyright claim from Carnegie Hall.


  • There was one full page ad in Time Out a couple of weeks before. Oddly no mention in either of the issues covering the dates of the concerts.

    The New York Post might not have had a review but did have a half page article the day before and several online pieces (linked above).

    It does seem strange though that there seemed to be very little publicity, nothing on TV but quite a bit of radio.

  • Thanks Ice,wonderful pictures…possibly the best i’ve seen.

  • I guess the *big* publicity noise will be made when the CDs come out. Somebody mentioned that the cast did a separate performance on the night before the two main concerts for the purpose of the recording. Is that true?

    Also, does anyone know what the total running time of all the musical numbers is? I am wondering how long the CDs will be. I am assuming a 2 CD set instead of the original 3.

    I wonder if they’ll get it out before Christmas? Wishful thinking?


  • Ah – good idea Ice. Easier to check through them to see which ones I missed.

  • Some of the youtube clips have started to be blocked with a note claiming copyright notice from Carnegie Hall so make sure you check them out soon – The Kevin Odekirk one listed at the end of the links was blocked when I tried to check it last night.
    Many thanks for those of you who have posted reviews and clips and photos of the event it is very much appreciated and has really helped bring the concert alive to those of us checking this site. The I was there page Ice has sorted on this site for the recent events has always been good but the Kristina one has excelled. Its has really made it possible for all site readers be part of the Kristina concert experience.
    Thank you again Ice for leading the way with Benny/Bjorn news. I am presuming you are the lucky man next to Kristina stars in the photos above, Its good to see the man who has assumed Gorels Hansers role as Abba/B&B press officer!

  • Thanks for your kind words about the site Stephen.

    Naturally, I don’t presume for one second that I am filling in any way the amazing, tireless and loyal Görel Hanser’s shoes but I appreciate the sentiment!

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